Slava Isusu Khrystu! Slava Naveeky!
Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory Forever!
16th Sunday After Pentecost |
Saturday | September 27th | 4:00 PM | +Mary Buffington (Michael Banas) |
Sunday | September 28th | 11:30 AM | +Antonia Klos & Dmytro Szumylo(Margaret Klos) |
Sanctuary Candle: Health & God’s Blessing on our Sick Parishioners
17th Sunday After Pentecost |
Saturday | October 4th | 4:00 PM | +Helen Rosetta (Irene Rosetta Lombardi) |
Sunday | October 5th | 11:30 AM | Health & God’s Blessings on Irmgard Maslij(Maslij Family) |
Confessions are available ½ hour before Divine Liturgy. Please tell Father that you want to go to confession no less than 10 minutes before the start of Divine Liturgy.