Khrystos Voskres! Voeestenu Voskres!
Christ Is Risen! Indeed He Is Risen!
Sanctuary Candle: Health of Ed Scholl |
Saturday | May 6th | 4:00 PM | +Hannah Moyer (Theresa Ksenics) |
Sunday | May 7th | 11:30 AM | Sunday of the Paralytic Man
+Mykola Maslij (Family) |
Saturday | May 13th | 4:00 PM | +Evelyn Ann Bell (George Sepenthal) |
Sunday | May 7th | 11:30 AM | Sunday of the Samaritan Woman
Health & God’s Blessings On Helen Klos (Margaret Klos) |
Confessions are available ½ hour before Divine Liturgy. Please tell Father that you want to go to confession no less than 10 minutes before the start of Divine Liturgy.