Weekly Bulletin – March 1, 2015

Slava Isusu Khrystu!  Slava Na Veeky!

Glory Be to Jesus Christ!  Glory Forever!


Second Sunday of the Great Fast

Saturday February 28th 4:00 PM Health & God’s Blessings on George & Maria Cyhan (44th Anniversary)
Sunday March 1st 11:30 AM +Imgard Maslij (Family)

Sanctuary Candle:  +Wasyl and Patricia Sawka


The Great Fast

Thursday March 5th 6:00 PM Liturgy of the Pre-Sanctified Gifts

Third Sunday of the Great Fast

Saturday March 7th 4:00 PM +Daniel Kish (40 day Panachyda)

(Margaret Klos)

Sunday March 8th 11:00 AM

Note change

God Bless Our Parishioners

Welcome to our visitors for the Women’s Day Conference!

Confessions are available ½ hour before Divine Liturgy.  Please tell Father that you want to go to confession no less than 10 minutes before the start of Divine Liturgy.


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